SN Pixel V4 Pro (Page is a WIP)
Introducing the SN Pixel V4 Pro from TXQ: a highly configurable neopixel soundboard packed with features. The SNV4 Pro comes with loads of sound effects, blade effects and RGB colour mixing. It even has a Bluetooth App allowing you to customize your saber on the fly. Check it out below.
The latest from TXQ. This PRO version of the SN Pixel board has the following features:
Control your saber from your Android / iOS device via bluetooth
Accurate motion tracking with smooth swing to alter the pitch of the hum in time with your movements
27 sound fonts included. Supports up to 99. (Max 25 available for hot swapping)
Programmable 32gb SD card
Highly customisable blade effects and a library of prebuilt effects for you to use or build upon
Create and preview blade effects through the App.
Removable Blade
Adjustable Volume (high, low and mute presets plus percentage based control via the app)
Gesture Controls
Sound effects:
Blaster Block
Tip drag
Force push
Background Music
Ani's Padawan (Ahsoka) by Juan Sith
Angry Anakin by Juan Sith
Blue Lady Master (Aayla Secura) by Juan Sith
Depa (Master Depa) by Juan Sith
Darth Maul by Jaydalorian
Dookula by Juan Sith
Dark Sith Red by Mountain Sabers
Emperor V1 by Kyberphonic
Fallen Order Bundle (Cal Kestis) by Juan Sith
Frolic Frog (Yoda) by Juan Sith
Graflex 9 (Rey) by Juan Sith
Grumpy Ben (Kylo Ren) by Juan Sith
Inquisitor by Juan Sith
LSkywalker by Jaydalorian
Mace Windy (Windu) by Juan Sith
Mando Saber by Juan Sith
Master Mundi by Juan Sith
Obi EP3 by Juan Sith
Quin Vos (Quinlan Vos) by Juan Sith
Revanchist Reborn by Juan Sith
Revanchist Butcher by Juan Sith
Temple Guard by Juan Sith
TFU Secret Apprentice (Starkiller) by Juan Sith
The Lost Sister (Ventress) by Juan Sith
The Princess (Leia) by Juan Sith
Tulak: The Greatest Swordsman by Juan Sith
Rogue Vader by Juan Sith
Select the number of Buttons your saber has to reveal the corresponding controls
Blade length Toggle: Tap the button 3 times to toggle between 82 and 92cm blade lengths.
Power on: Hold the button until it illuminates.
Tap the button, or
Twist the saber (if enabled)
Adjust Volume: Hold the button for 1 flash (~0.5 seconds)
Change Ignition Effect: Hold the button for 2 flashes(~1 second)
Change Blade Effect: Hold the button for 3 flashes (~1.5 seconds)
Next Font: ​
Angle the hilt upwards, hold the button and twist, or
Hold the activation button for 4 flashes (~2 seconds)
Play Music: Angle the hilt downwards, hold the button and twist.
Stop Music: Angle the hilt downwards , hold the button and twist.
Change Music: Stop then play music to move to the next track.
Power off:
Hold the button until the light turns off, or
Leave the saber for 10 minutes.
Hold the button until it begins retracting, or
Twist clockwise (if enabled)
Smooth Swing: Move the hilt around
Spin: Spin or move the hilt quickly
Blaster Block: Tap the button
Flash on Clash: Hit the saber/blade
Lock Up: Hold the button until it flashes 1 time. Tap to end
Force Effect: Angle the hilt upwards, hold the button and twist
Melt Effect: Hold the button and thrust forward
Drag Effect: Hold the button and then impact the saber/blade
Change Colour:
Angle the hilt downwards, hold the button and twist, or
Hold the button for 2 flashes (~1 second)
Flash on Clash on/off: Hold the button until it flashes 3 times
Power off: Hold the activation button for 4 flashes (~2 seconds)
Some of our sabers have two buttons. They are referred to as Main (PWR) and Auxiliary (Aux) buttons. There are some variations to the controls above.
When buttons are oriented up and down: Upper button is PWR button-lower button is AUX button.
When the buttons are oriented left and right: left button is PWR button-right button is AUX button.
Blade length Toggle: Tap the PWR button 3 times to toggle between 82 and 92cm blade lengths.
Power on: Hold the PWR button for 3 seconds, saber will say "Power On".
Tap the PWR button, or
Twist the saber (if enabled)
Adjust Volume: Enter volume adjustment mode my holding the PWR and AUX buttons simultaneously until a tone is heard. Adjust the volume up or down by pressing the PWR or AUX button respectively. Hold the PWR and AUX buttons simultaneously to exit the mode.
Change Ignition Effect: Hold the PWR button until an audio prompt is heard
Change Blade Effect: Hold the AUX button until an audio prompt is heard
Next Font:
Tap the AUX button, or
Angle the hilt upwards, hold the AUX button and twist the hilt
Play Music: Angle the hilt downwards, hold the AUX button and twist the hilt
Stop Music: Angle the hilt downwards , hold the AUX button and twist the hilt
Change Music: Stop then play music to move to the next track.
Power off:
Tap the AUX button 3 times, or
Leave the saber for 10 minutes.
Tap the PWR button until it begins retracting, or
Twist clockwise (if enabled)
Smooth Swing: Move the hilt around
Spin: Spin or move the hilt quickly
Blaster Block: Tap the AUX button
Flash on Clash: Hit the saber/blade
Lock Up: Hold the AUX button for 1 second, then release. Tap again to stop.
Force Effect: Angle the hilt upwards, hold the AUX button and twist
Melt Effect: Hold the AUX button and thrust forward.
Drag Effect: Hold the PWR button and then impact the saber/blade.
Change Colour:
Angle the hilt downwards Hold the AUX button and twist, or
Hold the Aux button for 2 flashes (~1 second) (TBC)
Flash on Clash on/off: Hold the PWR and AUX buttons simultaneously until the audio prompt is heard
Gesture controls can be enabled or disabled via the app.
What exactly is a twist?
Twist should be a fairly rapid flick of the wrist to rotate the hilt about 45 degrees or more to the required side, then back to centre.
Bluetooth App
ForcePark V2
Download: IOS or Google Play Store (Temporary APK download)
CAUTION: Making a backup of oyour SD card is always reccomended before making edits
Follow these steps to replace a sound font
Remove battery
Remove SD card
Insert SD Card on computer
Copy New Sound font package onto the SD card
Rename the new font folder the next available sequential number from 1-99​​
Eject the SD card from the computer
Install the SD card in the saber
Reinstall the battery
To give the font a name when displayed in the Forcepark V2 app, Create a "readme.txt" text document in the font folder. On the first line of the txt file, write the name to be displayed.
Reinstalling the battery is required to trigger the SNPixel soundboard to read the contents of the card.
The maximum number of soundfount files that an SD card can
store is 99. The saber can have 25 fonts active at any time. If no fonts are Marked with a star in the Forcepark V2 app the first 25 folders are active by default.
SNV4pro is compatible with Proffie sound fonts (with very few exceptions).
The folder name of the sound font must be numbered from 1 to 99.
The types of sound effects include humxx.wav, blstxx.wav, clshxx.wav, forcexx.wav, stabxx.wav, etc., where xx ranges from 01 to 09(e.g., hum01.wav), or from 1 to 15(e.g., hum1.wav), or left empty (hum.wav).
The files of sound fonts must be placed directly
in the main folder (e.g., 1/hum01.wav) or in sub-folders with
corresponding names (e.g., 1/hum/hum01.wav). -
Track file name must be in the format trackxx.wav, such as track1.wav.
The system can only recognize 44.1 kHz mono-channel WAV audio files. Other formats may cause abnormal playback or system errors!
The Blade Effects menu has 3 sections.

Local Blade Effects contains the effects stored on the SD card and uploaded from the app to the saber.
Public Blade Effects gives access to effects published on
My Blade Effects links to you account on and contains your saved effects
Local Blade Effects
There are 29 preinstalled blade effects by default
Only effects that have been marked with a star are selectable in the saber control menu. To Mark an effect, tap anywhere on the effect except the trashcan icon. Select the star icon to turn it blue star. Then press upload. Note the order of the effects on this page sets the order they cycle through in the saber control menu. The most recently marked becomes number 1.

Change Color will cycle through the 6 preset colours: Blue, Purple, Red, Yellow, Green and Cyan. Even if the blade is off it cycles in the background
Play will turn the blade on with no audio. It is a preview mode.
Mark will add or remove the effect from being selectable on the saber control page.
Public Blade Effects
There are many prebuilt blade effects available. From this page they can be previewed and uploaded to the connected lightsaber.

Uploading: Select "upload" and "Yes" when prompted to unscrew the grip from your saber. The upload will begin. Once complete a Successful prompt will flash at the bottom of the screen. If it says "Upload fail" instead, reposition the phone as close as possible to the soundboard and try again.
Navigate to the local blade effects page and it should briefly say downloading as it refreshes. Once complete, your newly uploaded blade effects will appear in the list. The first upload will be number 90, the second will be 89 and so on. These will stored in the all-lightfile folder with corresponding numbers

My Blade Effects
Here you can download your saved blade effects that have been created on You will need to login using your credentials.

Preview will show the blade style on your phone screen in landscape.
Upload will send the blade effect to the saber, the same as described earlier.
Delete will delete the effect from your account (including the website)
Editor New One will open the simple version of the web editor where you can build a new effect using some preset menus. You can save this effect and have it available in the My Blade Effects menu momentarily. See the Blade Effect Editor section below.
Blade Effects Editor
Register an Account at to access the Editor. Once logged in, there are 3 pages in the top menu. Open the sections below to read about each. Basic editor is available via the Forcepark V2 App or website. Advanced editor is only available via the website.


Add Blade Effects Via SD Card
Download the blade effect from or other resource
In the all-lightfile directory, create a folder named filexx where xx is in the range 1-99
Rename the blade effect .bin file light1.bin
Place light1.bin in the filexx folder you created
Create a readme.txt file in the same folder and write a short name/description for the blade effect to be displayed in the app
Edit System Audio Files
The System Audio files are contained in the set folder on the SD Card and can be replaced with compatible wav files if you desire alternate system sounds.
CAUTION: Always make a backup of the SD card before editing.
WARNING: Both ''power on'' and ''set'' are system files audio and must not be deleted or altered without extreme caution!
WARNING: Files named ''file91'' to ''file99'' within the ''all-light’' folder are system light effect files and must not be deleted or altered without extreme caution!
Firmware Updates
How to Update the Firmware
Download the one button or two button firmware from the link below
Remove the battery from the Lightsaber
Remove the SD card from the Lightsaber
Place the update file (swordxxxx.bin) on the SD card in the root (top level) directory
Reinstall the SD card into the lightsaber
Reinstall the battery, an audio prompt will play indicating it is updating.
Default Config file
Voice Packs
240531 - Fix for resetting blade effects when removing battery
Tested - No observed improvment​
240704 - Fix for config reset on battery removal and unable to turn saber on or charge ​
Saber must be powered off to save the config changes​